Partner with Us in the Lord's Work

Welcome to Grace Family Worship Center - a vibrant community of faith, love, and service. We believe in the power of coming together to carry out the Lord's work, and we are incredibly grateful for the generous hearts that have made it all possible. Your support has enabled us to touch lives, spread God's love, and make a positive impact in our community and beyond. As we continue on this journey of faith, we invite you to partner with us and sow into the fertile ground of God's Kingdom.

Over the years, we have witnessed the transformative power of your donations and offerings. Through your giving, we have been able to:

  1. Worship and Praise: Your generosity has helped us enhance our worship experience, making it a time of inspiration, joy, and heartfelt connection with the Almighty.

  2. Nurture Our Youth: Your contributions have allowed us to create safe spaces for our young members to grow in their faith, empowering the next generation of leaders.

  3. Embrace Our Community: From feeding the hungry to providing shelter for the homeless, we have extended a helping hand to those facing challenges in our local community.

Every contribution, big or small, has a ripple effect that reaches far beyond our church walls. It touches lives, changes circumstances, and brings hope to the downtrodden. Your giving is not only a financial transaction; it is an expression of your love for God and your fellow human beings.

Giving is a joyful act of worship, and we have made it simple and convenient for you to contribute to the Lord's work:

  1. In-Person: Join us during our worship services, where you can offer your tithes and offerings in person at the back of the worship center in the Generosity Boxes.

  2. Online Giving: Visit our website and explore our secure online giving portal, where you can donate anytime from anywhere.

  3. Mobile Giving: Download our church app to give on the go, ensuring that your generosity is just a few taps away.

    1. App store link

    2. Google Play Store Link

  4. Automatic Giving: Consider setting up recurring donations to provide steady support for our ministries and outreach efforts.

Thank You for Your Generosity: To all our faithful givers, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment to the Lord's work. Your support fuels our passion to continue spreading the Gospel, supporting those in need, and making a positive difference in the world. Your faithfulness strengthens our faith and inspires others to join in this journey of love and service.

As we move forward, hand in hand, let us keep giving with cheerful hearts, knowing that every seed sown will yield a bountiful harvest in God's time. Together, we can transform lives, build a stronger community, and be the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting world. We appreciate your giving and cherish your partnership in this divine mission.

May God bless you for your generosity!